Reach OnAir Broadcasting Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: Thursday 25 May 2023
The following definitions are used in these Terms and Conditions:
- “You” – The user of Reach OnAir’s services, the account holder and broadcaster.
- “Us” – Reach Broadcasting Limited trading as Reach OnAir, also referred to as “Reach” or “Station”
- “the Station” Reach OnAir, broadcasting at and all services relating to Reach OnAir.
- “a Show” A minimum of one hour booking.
- “a Service” An ‘add-on’ element on top of a membership subscription.
- “the Site”
To broadcast an Internet radio show for transmission on Reach OnAir, you must first register for either an account on You agree that your use of the Site is subject to the broadcast terms and conditions, as well as the general terms and privacy policy. You further confirm and represent that you have read and reviewed these Terms and that you agree to be bound by them.
Signing up for an account for use of the FREE account type:
- There is one account per person only
- You may not use an automated/manually activated machine/software/tool to book on Reach OnAir.
- Accounts can be limited or revoked at any time without reason and/or notice.
- Only the account holder is permitted to broadcast under this account.
- Co-presenting is not allowed with Premium members.
- Prize giveaways are prohibited unless agreed by the station first.
- Users must only use services made available to them by Reach OnAir.
- Services available to this account level will be stated on the Reach OnAIr website and are subject to change/amendments/removal at any time without notice.
Signing up for an account for the use of PREMIUM or PREMIUM LITE account type:
- Only the account holder is permitted to broadcast under this account.
- Prize giveaways are prohibited unless agreed by the station first.
- Sponsorship is prohibited unless agreed by the station first.
- Services available to this account level will be stated on the Reach OnAIr website and are subject to change/amendments/removal at any time without notice.
- You cannot book more than three hours in any one day unless agreed by the station. This includes linking shows over the UK time midnight hour to exceed 3 hours.
- The account fee is paid monthly and may be cancelled at any time.
- A valid subscription payment method is required to keep your account active.
- Paying a Reach OnAir membership fee does not entitle you to broadcast a certain number of shows per week/month/annum. The fee entitles you to have the opportunity to broadcast shows based on availability and subject to the account terms being satisfied.
- Refunds are generally not permitted once paid as no uptime guarantee, warranty and/or service level is stated. Refunds are at the discretion of the Reach OnAir management team.
- Cancellation of your subscription can be made at any time via your members area on the website or by cancelling your payment method.
- Cancelling your subscription will revert it to a free account type. This will result in canceling any upcoming shows due to air and/or pre-booked show slots.
- Holding a valid Loyalty account does not entitle you to a fixed (permanent / pre-booked) broadcasting slot. These can be requested but Reach OnAir management reserve the right to remove, amend, revoke or refuse these slots as it sees necessary.
Signing up for an account for the use ALL account types:
- To broadcast you require a functional Internet connection and correctly configured software. We are not responsible for technical abilities to broadcast or reliability of your connection and software. Due to the nature of the Internet there may be interruptions to your broadcasting that are not the fault of You or Us, e.g. Internet routing issues.
- In the event of terrorism, natural disaster, or Internet/technical/electrical problems outside of Reach OnAir's control, the station has no obligation to continue the service
- All software provided by Reach OnAir is done so in good faith and has been fully tested to make sure it will function correctly without fault. Reach OnAir cannot be held responsible for any crashes, virus, trojans, loss of data, changes that occur to the user’s computer including any malicious activity as a direct or indirect result of the installation and use of the software provided or suggested.
- You are not permitted to use Reach OnAir’s name, URL, trademarks, copyrights or other right or properties in connection with "spam" email messages or unsolicited postings. For the purposes of this agreement, "spam" has the meaning generally understood among Internet users and includes without limitation "unsolicited electronic mail advertisements".
- Due to the vast array of different setups, Reach OnAir is under no obligation, nor does it provide as standard, help or support either verbal, written or otherwise for your PC/Mac/Mixer/Soundcard/Broadcasting setup. We will only provide you with the Icecast details, all other support will need to be sourced elsewhere.
Broadcasting a show on ALL account types:
- You cannot broadcast more than three tracks by the same artist in any given three-hour period.
- A show cannot be used ‘solely’ for commercial benefit. E.g. advertisement of product or service.
- You cannot air negative views or statements about Reach OnAir, its members and/or associated parties.
- You cannot make any libelous views or statements about third parties, not associated directly or indirectly with Reach OnAir.
- Information quoted from a third party (websites, newspapers etc.), must be credited.
- All shows are exclusive to Reach OnAir. Simulcasted shows require permission from the station first.
- Illegal, explicit, and/or derogatory topics are prohibited to be broadcast.
- Foul language (e.g. swearing) is prohibited. This also includes lyrics in parodies and songs. No matter what time the show is on air.
- The account holder is held fully responsible for the content of the show and any legal action that arises from it.
- Imaging supplied by Reach OnAir is for use on Reach OnAir’s streams only (Imaging must not be used in a Podcast (outside Reach OnAir), re-broadcast elsewhere and/or used in any media), unless otherwise stated or agreed by Reach OnAir first.
- All shows broadcast cannot be purely music based (i.e. just playlisted) unless it’s a DJ mix or suchlike created by yourself for Reach OnAir
- All shows broadcast must include at least one play per hour containing the Reach OnAir name from the imaging supplied. This can be in addition to your own acquired imaging.
- Broadcasting any copyright material on social media and/or other live streaming platforms is prohibited as this isn’t covered under our broadcasting licence.
- Repeated pre-recorded shows or repeating recordings of live shows may be broadcast on an infrequent basis for emergency reasons (i.e. in place of a cancellation). If this becomes too frequent, Reach OnAir management reserves the right to remove your show.
General Broadcast Terms:
- Reach OnAir is a service made for enjoyment and/or educational purposes.
- Reach OnAir reserves the right to cancel/ban/suspend any account and/or show without notice.
- With respect to your Internet Radio Shows, you grant Reach OnAir the royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual right and licence throughout the world to transmit, perform publicly, display publicly, perform digitally, distribute and syndicate your Internet Radio Programs in whole or in part, for any and all purposes, to the extent permitted by law, and the right to grant to third parties the right to do any or all of the foregoing. Reach OnAir shall have the royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual right and licence throughout the world to transmit and permit its end users, and other Internet Web site operators and their end users, to access your Internet Radio Shows via and any other Web sites.
- Reach OnAir shall not be liable for any unauthorised uses of your Internet Radio Programs by end users or any other third parties.
- Reach OnAir reserves the right to re-broadcast or use as it wishes, any audio sent or broadcast to us, this includes test streams.
- Reach OnAir reserves the right to change in part or in full any part of it’s service without notice.
- Reach OnAir reserves the right to change and/or modify these terms without notice at anytime.
- All shows booked by you must have intention for live broadcast or prerecord broadcast. While we appreciate cancellation or circumstances outside of your control may occur from time to time, excessive and/or repeated cancellations or missed (no-shows) shows will result in your account being downgraded and/or terminated. Any cancellations must be done with as much notice as you can.
The things we have to say...
- When you post, stream or upload content to the website, including any site associated with Reach OnAir (e.g. Facebook Page) you authorise and direct us to make such copies as we deem necessary in order to facilitate the posting and storage of the user content on the Site. By posting user content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant us an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such user content for any purpose (commercial, advertising, or otherwise) on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorise sublicenses of the foregoing.
- You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically be revoked unless it is already in use by Reach OnAir in a planned, archived or currently active campaign, then this will have no time deadline.
- Payment on Reach OnAir is provided by Stripe. Reach OnAir cannot be held responsible for discrepancies resulting in the failure of service from Stripe.
You agree not to post, upload, broadcast, air or transmit to or through the Site any sound recordings that:
- are obscene, fraudulent, indecent, discourteous, racially offensive or abusive;
- defame, abuse, harass or threaten others;
- contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other disabling devices or other harmful component intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;
- advocate or encourage any illegal activity;
- violate the privacy of individuals, including other users of the website; or
- violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law
- Reach OnAir in its sole discretion shall determine your compliance with the foregoing rules and reserves the right to delete from the website without prior notice any material that it deems to be non-complying or otherwise objectionable for any reason. Reach OnAir may take any action with respect to your Internet Radio Shows, or any other material posted by you on the Site, if Reach OnAir believes, in its sole and exclusive judgment, that such Internet Radio Shows and/or other material may result in liability being imposed upon Reach OnAir or may cause Reach OnAir to lose (in whole or in part) the services of its ISPs or other suppliers.